Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Veggie-full Information

Mr. Oz, the love of my life - where would I be without you? Everyday, at 5:00pm, after Oprah! If you know me, you know that I love Oprah & Doctor Oz. Today, on his show, he discussed certain cancer-fighting foods that could probably help in people suffering from Lupus. A majority of the foods listed are foods that are good anti-inflammatory agents. Suffering from extreme joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, this seems like a pretty good answer to me. I will make a list of the certain foods that you should make sure you pick up at your next grocery store visit!

Vegetables & Fruits

1.) Leafy Greens
2.) Brussel Sprouts
3.) Tomatoes
4.) Beets
5.) Carrots
6.) Sweet Potatoes
7.) Squash
8.) Broccoli
9.) Onions, leeks, shallots
10.) Mushrooms
11.) Lentils
12.) Peppers; bell & jalapeno
13.) Spinach
14.) Oranges
15.) Grapefruit
16.) Lemon
17.) Lime
18.) Apples
19.) Berries; blueberries, strawberries, rasberries
20.) Apricots
21.) Pomegranetes
22.) Mango

Whole Grains

1.) Whole grains (bread, pasta, tortillas)
2.) Oats
3.) Flaxseed
4.) Quinoa


1.) Cinnamon {contains anti-inflammtory agents}
2.) Garlic {containts anti-inflammatory agents}

Everything seen here, you can get at

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