Friday, February 26, 2010

Food Irritants

- Beef, pork, and other red meats
- Wheat, barley, oats and rye
- Sugar, and sweet things
- Fat & fried foods {some fats can have an inflammatory effect}
- Salt
- Caffein
- Dairy produce
- Smoked and prossessed meats
- Alcohol
- Fizzy drinks {can deplete calcium levels}
- Refined carbohydrates
- Additives and perservatives
- Acidic foods {vinegar, citrus foods, and orange juice}
- Chocolate
- Eggs, nuts, seeds, and onions

This information can also be found in Readers Digest; Alternative Answers To Arthritis and Rheumatism.

I am not a medical professional, so, in no way is this meant to be taken as such.. It is just some interesting information that I thought I would share.

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