Saturday, February 27, 2010

A special message from a Messenger

I have never read a book quite like this before. It was beautifully written - a mothers struggle through the life and death of her cherished son. The amount of pain that this family had to endure in such a short time, made me think about my own life. It brought me to tears on countless ocassions, and forced me to re-evaluate my life. So many times, we take advantage of both the people around us, and the situations we have been dealt. However sad this book may seem, it had the absolute adverse effect, it made you hopeful, it showed the true human spirit and how strong we really are. I could not put this book down. When everything was said and done, I completed the book in about 4-5 days. I would definitely recommend this book, not just to mothers, or people suffering from a debilitating illness.. I recommend that everyone take some time out of their day to learn about this little angel, and his message from God.

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