Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Totally FLIP'D out!!

I did it! I gave in to the hype! I typically don't like to follow the hype of online stuff but this time.. I gave in! On Saturday, after a wonderful meal at Jack Astors - I walked my little hynnie over to Best Buy and made a purchase that I have been debating for at least over a month. I decided to take some time and weigh my options, BUT after a month of relentless nagging at my conscience I decided to take the plunge! Not only do I do alot of travelling, (a trip coming up in just a few weeks time with my mom), I thought it would be an awesome tool to document the next chapters of my life. With surgery coming up, and the recovery process of that.. not to mention, marriage and kids - this seemed like an awesomely justifiable splurge. Not to mention, the smaller GB of Flips start at $ 79.00! I was totally sold. Anywho, just thought I would let y'all know that as soon as I figure out how to work imovie, I will be coming to a computer near you.. in HD!

Until next time,

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