Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rough. Day.

I wish today could have been easier, but maybe to some, my life is easier. There are people out there that are struggling for their next breath, or struggling to stay alive. In the grand scheme of things; i have it pretty good. Incase you haven't noticed, we're all dealing with something. I think I'm still allowed to have my own struggles, regardless of what the next person may be going through. If that were the case, we would never allow ourselves the opportunity to grieve, or to feel pain because somewhere out there - someone is suffering more. I may not have cancer, or a ventilator to help me breathe but for right now - i'm going to allow myself this second of self-pity. I don't know what it's like to go through chemotherapy, and maybe (hopefully not) I might have to. For right now though, this is my own personal struggle; living with a disease that takes no prisoners, trying to go through day to day life with a tumor the size of a football in my pelvis. I'm not going to pretend to be some sort of hero and say that I never complain, because i do. I think when God (or whichever you believe in) gives you a tough pill to swallow; you deserve a moment to feel sorry for yourself. For the last 7 years, this is all I have known so yeah, it does get to be a little too much. I try every day to be a good person, and do good things; make a difference in the world - you know? Most days, I will wake up with a smile on my face, regardless of the struggles that are presenting themselves that day. Life can be beautiful, and that's what I usually try to make it. However, not every day is cream coloured ponies and warm apple strudels. Doorbells and sleigh bells with snitchel and noodles! Somtimes, I want my damn pie and I want to eat it too!! I know life isn't perfect, and although I try to stay optimistic.. some days.. are just plain ROUGH! To all of the people in the world who are suffering.. here's to you kid**hugs N kisses**

Until next time...

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