Monday, July 18, 2011

Surgery... WHAT!

{I could not find anything in direct size to my tumor but here is an example of a 5cm tumor.. picture 3 of these together. Fun, right? (not) }

You guessed it, folks! I am FINALLY getting this darn thing out.. It has been 8 months (9 once surgery roles around) since this stupid tumor was found. Why did it take so long you ask? Blame it on our sucky healthcare. I shouldn't be complaining, I know how much harder people in the states have it with no free health care. I just find it hard to believe that our healthcare today takes almost a year for a 22 year old girl with an almost 14cm tumor on her right ovary to get removed. Thank god for my amazing gynaecologist! The same one that believed for years that I was suffering from Lupus. She was actually the one that rallied behind me and my mom and referred me to the rheumatologist I have now. I am so blessed to have found such an amazing doctor, and even more blessed that this stupid tumor is not malignant!! This surgery kind of signifies a fresh start for me.. a new journey that I am so excited to begin :D I know this is a short blog, BUT are you curious to know how large 14cm's is? Take a look at the picture above! Right!! No wonder I've been having such a hard time going to the bathroom.. Have a wonderful week, everyone <3

Until next time,

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