Friday, August 13, 2010

Blog - what blog?

I feel like I say this WAY too much - it has to stop! Life gets the best of me, and my blog takes a back seat. I am so sorry. I have had so much going on these past few months, as sad as it sounds, my blog has been the least of my priorities. As most of you know, I am currently in school, working towards my bachelor of arts in Psychology. My exams are coming up at the end of the month so I am going off no sleep. It's all about the studies. It kind of works out, as my meds have been keeping me up lately. I swear, I have insomnia! Although I am so tired all the time, for some reason, my body just wont fall asleep. I'll use it to my advantage, and study hard for the next few weeks. I have quite a few updates and interesting information that I'll be posting over the new few days and the weeks to come. Check back for lots of interesting info!

Talk soon <3

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