Monday, November 1, 2010

Never Give Up!!

I am SO excited, I cannot contain myself! After alot of hard work and determination, I finally got my marks back from my exam! I PASSED :) It has only proven to me that if you work hard enough, anything is possible. Before I started my Psychology program with the University of Athabasca, I was scared and skeptical. I really thought I could never do it. With the encouragement of my parents and my boyfriend, I decided to throw myself into the course full force. Although it took me longer than the average person due to unforseen circumstances, i ended up proving myself wrong! I passed my course with flying colors :) A 50% is required to pass the course, and although i didn't do as exceptional as i would have wanted, I did pretty darn good for my very first year as a university student. Considering all of the aspects of my life that were working against me, i did well! I finished my course with a 69%, and have enrolled to start again on December 10th :)

If any of you take away any message from this post, i would want it to be that anything is possible with a little bit of hard work and determination. I don't care how daunting it looks, it is possible! You have to be committed, and you also have to realize, and let go of the idea that everything needs to be an A. Although that is what i strived for, I am certainly not dissapointed in the grade I got. That's all I want for all of you - strive for the best! If you are unable to meet that goal, don't beat yourself up about it, it was SO hard for you to get the grade you did.. you should be proud of yourself!

I have to be honest, my first attempt at the exam - i failed. I was extremely down on myself, but.. it only meant I had to work harder the next time. With each course you take, you have 2 chances to achieve a grade of over 50% however if you do not achieve it the first time, you have a second chance. The second chance was all I needed, and the hard work paid off! I will discuss a little bit about The University of Athabasca for those of you who are interested.

Talk soon, and good look on your studies <3

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