Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yet another day...

With anything meaningful or purposeful comes change, and with change comes routine. I'm not necessarily someone who loves routine or change for that matter but I'm going to try my absolute hardest to keep with this new routine I have for myself :) I'm finding this way of doing things to be much easier than getting my computer ready in an uncomfortable position on my bed. I will try very hard, every night before bed to post a little blog on my dat and it went.

I had one of the most awful days/night yesterday. I cannot explain to you the torture that my body was put through :s I was able to take a short, hot bath today which took the edge off of the pain. Tonight proved to be much better than last night but still pretty much sucked. Lol... I never said I was always going to be positive!! Every now and again, you need to learn to laugh at yourself... Otherwise - well never make it through this!

Its a crisp fall night.. My window is open so I can hear the breeze and the leaves rustling in the air... This is my favorite time of year :) I was also able to carve my first pumpkin of the season..

Anywho.. Its late, and I'm exhausted.. I will check back in soon.. Plus, I have some pretty exciting news :D

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