Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Call it the winter blues....

I haven't written in a while, clearly! I go through phases, more times than not, where I don't feel like doing anything - I don't feel like reading, blogging, or vlogging. It's a very bad habit that I need to kick, soon! I'm not depressed, I'm not even sad, I just can't seem to get into the hang of any sort of routine. As most of you who are dealing with Lupus knows, life is one big roller coaster, it's just up to you on when you want to hop on! I decided a very long time ago, that if I was going to fight for my health and a diagnosis, I wasn't going to do it halfheartedly... There was something wrong with me and I was ready to figure out what! Fast forward three years later, and I'm still as passionate as ever in finding out what has been plaguing me for so long. With each doctors appointment that draws near, I become that much closer to my ultimate diagnosis and course of treatment. I thought that now would be a better time than ever to begin writing, again. Tomorrow, I will find out what has been effecting my liver. A few years ago, my liver enzymes began to rise. Now, almost 2011; I am finally finding out what has been plaguing my liver. I had an ultrasound done last week, and tomorrow, at 4:00pm - I will receive the results. It will be either be good news (in concluding active Lupus) or no new at all. What ever the case may be, I will bring you along on my journey.

Talk to you all soon....


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